Tuesday, May 4, 2010


What is beauty?
Is it what society says it is?
Is it a golden tan, flawless skin, a small waist, long legs, perfect hair?
How many of us strive to get there, how many of us wish our genetics had dictated us to look like that?
You read in magazines everyday of all these famous, 'beautiful' people quoting on what they think beauty really is. They say things like 'Beauty is only skin deep', 'Beauty is confidence', 'Beauty comes from the inside'.
Easy for them to say, they have personal stylists, personal trainers, personal cooks. They are already there. THey are already there at what society defines to be 'beautiful'. And coincidentally, after some star says that she's curvy and loves her curves, that she does not need to be a size zero to be happy, the next thing you know, she appears on magazine cover promoting a diet that helped her get to a size zero. What superficial fools we humans can be!
Because I think what no one dares to say out loud is that, society's definition of beauty IS exactly what it seems like. A size zero barbie doll with perfect skin, hair and body.
How did we get here?
How did we get to being good enough, perfect enough to judge who is beautiful and who is not?
How did we get the right to judge what people need to change about themselves just so they can fit into that 'Beautiful' label?
I like to think that beauty is what we want it to be.
I like to think that beauty IS confidence, intelligence, a kind heart, a sense of humour.
I like to think that everyone is beautiful.
But I wonder if it even matters what I want to think.


Shann said...

You are beautiful, dear! haha

Wo!! Joee!!! said...

This is amazing.. ;]

Purplehaze77 said...

what you say is important though, what anyone says always has an impact one way or another. That is so true though i think that a truly beautiful person has a truly wonderful personality but then again that also depends on the other person because not everyone is beautiful to you.It just depends on the person.

barry said...

no can really tells "who is telling the one dictate what is really the meaning of beauty. i guess it is their idealistic viewpoint that influences their definition of being beautiful... awesome post...

Mr.Miglani said...

This is an awesome piece of work !