Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Cover

This is just a spontaneous thing ( again) I did 5 minutes before lunch.
The playing isn't perfect and the singing isn't awesome either.
But who cares, I really like this song and this is my blog! XD

Friday, June 26, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Isn't it strange how sometimes you can be in a huge crowd, with all kinds of people jostling around you, pushing you, coming into contact with you, and yet you can still feel so alone and lost?

Isn't it strange how sometimes you can be in a roomful of laughing, talking people, and still feel so lonely and isolated?

Loneliness is hard to define. How do you explain why sometimes we can feel like the loneliest person in the world when you're hanging out with a whole group of friends together?

I suppose thats why sometimes I feel that we don't need too many people in our lives, we don't need to open up to too many people. Because when it comes down to it, we only need those few precious, important ones to help us through life. To hold our hands when we need warmth, to offer their shoulders when we need to comfort, to just be there when we get lonely.

Then maybe there would be less lonely people in the world.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tim Tams ( The Australian Way)

Cindy helped me take this ( We like to think of it as educational) video of how to eat Tim Tams the Australian way!
Dont mind the messy hair, and before anyone says I've put on weight let me clarify first that its winter here and its cold!!! So we eat more!!!!

p/s: We have no proof that this is the Australian way for sure but I'm pretty sure it is cause that's not how we eat it back home!!

If It Kills Me

Hello, tell me you know, yeah you figured me out
Something gave it away
And it would be such a beautiful moment to see the look on your face
To know that I know you know now

And baby thats a case of my wishful thinking
You know nothing
Cause you and I, why we go carrying on for hours on end
We get along much better than you and your boyfriend

Well all I really want is to love you
A kind much closer than friends use
But I still can't say it after all we've been through

And all I really want from you is to feel me
As the feeling inside keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me, if it kills me.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Life's Versatility

Its amazing how much some little, insignificant things can brighten up my day..
I can be having the worst day ever, taking the most absolute crap from people around me, and then some little thing happens and everything seems alright with the world again... ( I'm being dramatic here) and life seems worth living again... XD

It could be a box of Tim Tams.. ( Which absolutely rock when eaten the Australian Way!! )
It could be a nice/ funny comment or video on Facebook..
A thoughtful text message
A patient actually being grateful and doing what he/she is told to do for once.. ( You'd be surprised how rude some sick people can be!)
A nice, long chat over ice cream about our day with someone at the end of the day ( You know who I'm talking about, Cindy!)
A spontaneous trip to Hungry Jack's or Coles just to waste time...

Life is so full of little joys that make it so beautiful.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What Have I Been Up To?

Here is a list of what I have been up to these days.
Just for your information, nothing much.

I've been:

1. Studying
2. Studying
3. Banging my head against the wall to try to get all the bloody information in.
4. Banging my head even harder because the information doesn't stay in.
5. Trying to study again with a bruised head
6. Staring into space dreaming about what to do after exams ( It involves a lot of lying around and staring up at my ceiling)
7. Still trying to study.

Let me see, have I missed anything out?
* Does a mental checklist*
Yup, thats pretty much it.
* Goes back to alternating between studying and banging my head against the wall*

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wild At Heart

Just FYI, this is the song I will be singing and playing on the guitar and singing and listening to for a few days to come.
Its so catchy!!!

Last Class of the Semester

Last day of the semester and last class of the semester. Where did time go?
Seems just a couple of weeks ago we were enrolling in our classes and just starting the first week of uni. Scary. Before I know it I'll be graduating. Shudder. I think I'll let that be a problem for future Ida. Haha.
This is a picture of our group with our tutor, Anna. We have this thing in class where we're divided into groups and each week we get quizzes. Overall we got second. Out of four groups. Haha so yay! * Does the wave*
And as a reward, we got a jar of sputum. Not real sputum, just made out of stewed pears, I bet my tutor had so much fun making that. Sick people we mortals are!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Autumn and a new camera!

So Cindy bought a new camera.... a Canon IXUS 80 IS.....
I came home early from class, the sun was still shining, there were all these fallen autumn leaves on the ground, we had a new camera in hand, we didn't want to look at our books again, need I say more???
I'll just let the pictures talk.

I love Autumn. XD

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cindy's Door Updates

What great friends I have.
So caring, so giving, so generous and unselfish.
Can't you feel the love?

How I Met Your Mother and Sad Ads

Since I've put a ban on myself from going to Blockbuster, where I would be going any other normal non-exam time to get, like, 8 full-length movies a week, I've been pretty deprived media entertainment-wise. ( I also don't know how to get rid of these blue words. someone help!)
So I've gotten hooked on this awesome TV series 'How I Met Your Mother'.
Its about 5 friends. The main guy, Ted Mosby, and his friends Marshall Lily Robin and Barney. So this series is about this guy Ted who tells his kids the story of how he met his mother. And in the process of that also tells them a whole lot of other things. We don't know who the mom is, and I suppose we'd only know by the time we finish but they have got AWEsome stories!
Its no 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S' although the whole concept is rather similar, a group of friends in New York, but its really worth stealing 20 minutes between studying and rushing assignment to de-stress and laugh a bit because I learnt in Health Psychology that stress lowers your immune system! wow, like I didn't know that before doing Health Psychology...

I have also been randomly watching these touching ads on TV. In all kinds of languages, chinese, Thai, Greek, who cares?
They're all so good and so much more time-conserving and effective than those long, 2 hour weepy movies and makes me feel so good after watching. So here's another one! In Thai this time.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Beautifully Imperfect

This is a beautiful ad. I think its from Singapore. But DO watch it. You'll see what I'm talking about. It has such meaning and I think it would bring a little something for everyone.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Elysia!

I know this came a little late but its the thought that counts, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELYSIA!!!!
How many years is it now?
18 years!
Haha thats gotta be a record, 18 years and counting!!!
Have a good one this year.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Racism is a scary thing.
We all know that.
Racism was what caused The Holocaust. Racism is what Apartheid is based on. Racism is what caused Muslims to be discriminated against after the 9/11 attack even though some of them were raised and born in America and had as much right as any other American citizen to be there.
Being a Malaysian-born Chinese, racism has always been around. I just never realized it was what it was. My dad complains about a lazy Malay co-worker and someone else will say, " Ah, you know how those Malays are like, they're always lazy!". Or there will be jokes at the dining table about how indians shake their heads a lot when they talk ( there will of course be a need to demonstrate when this subject is on) or how they talk with their Indian accents.
Sure these racist jokes are funny. But I'll bet the Jews during the Holocaust didn't find it so funny when they were forced to go on the Death March ( where they literally had to walk until they died) or to go into the Gas Chambers. I bet they didn't think it was so funny then.
I've had some pretty racist experiences while I've been here in Australia. I've had people driving past in cars while I'm waiting at the bus stop and they stick their heads out and scream, " F***ing Asians!!!!" or even worse, throw bottles out of the car.
And recently with all that's been going on in Melbourne and sydney with all the seemingly racially-motivated attacks on indian students, you start to wonder if racism is as funny as sometime we make it out to be.

But then again, sometimes I wonder if we are being racist ourselves when we accuse others of being racist.
There are times when I'm sitting in a groups of largely Australian students and I feel like they're being rude to me just because I'm Asian. I then start thinking that they're bring racist and won't talk to me because I'm Asian. But I wonder. Could it be because I don't talk as much as they would like me too? Could it be because I don't smile enough? In other words, could it all just be because of my personality itself, and not my skin colour and shape of my eyes?
By thinking that they wouldn't want to talk to me because I'm Asian and they're Australian straightaway, and then withdrawing myself, aren't I being racist as well by assuming that just because they're Aussie they would be mean to me?

Of course, there really ARE circumstances when your assumptions are based on fact as there can be some really racist people around here. We can't expect everyone to be perfect, can't we?
Hell, I confess I love racist jokes at times and I think they can be quite a hoot.
But I was just wondering about Racism and what it all means.
Needed a sounding board and where else but my blog?
I hope I haven't offended anyone by sounding my thoughts.
If I have, really REALLY sorry.