Monday, June 8, 2009

How I Met Your Mother and Sad Ads

Since I've put a ban on myself from going to Blockbuster, where I would be going any other normal non-exam time to get, like, 8 full-length movies a week, I've been pretty deprived media entertainment-wise. ( I also don't know how to get rid of these blue words. someone help!)
So I've gotten hooked on this awesome TV series 'How I Met Your Mother'.
Its about 5 friends. The main guy, Ted Mosby, and his friends Marshall Lily Robin and Barney. So this series is about this guy Ted who tells his kids the story of how he met his mother. And in the process of that also tells them a whole lot of other things. We don't know who the mom is, and I suppose we'd only know by the time we finish but they have got AWEsome stories!
Its no 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S' although the whole concept is rather similar, a group of friends in New York, but its really worth stealing 20 minutes between studying and rushing assignment to de-stress and laugh a bit because I learnt in Health Psychology that stress lowers your immune system! wow, like I didn't know that before doing Health Psychology...

I have also been randomly watching these touching ads on TV. In all kinds of languages, chinese, Thai, Greek, who cares?
They're all so good and so much more time-conserving and effective than those long, 2 hour weepy movies and makes me feel so good after watching. So here's another one! In Thai this time.