Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Which way is up?

Sometimes I really think that when your time is up, its up.

No matter how close you come to passing on, even if you have the nearest near death experience ever, if your time isn't up, it just isn't.

I mean, seriously. There are people who have survived tsunamis, earthquakes, being trapped without food and water for days. And there are people who just go because of some silly coincidental circumstance, some freak accident.

Take this guy for instance. The reason he passed on was because he didn't know which way was up! No kidding. Real story.

He's a pilot from Australia, flying one of these planes ( in the picture above). He's only licensed to fly during good weather, right?
Well, he didn't check the weather forecast properly the day before. And he flies the place with three other family members in it that day when the sky is all foggy and grey and blurry.
He turns right into the middle of all this fog and because he cant see a thing and is disorientated in the air. He thinks the sea is the sky, and drives his place strrraaaigggghttt into the ocean. The rescue team finds the remains of his plane on the shore later.
I find that so absurd and such a horrible way to go. I mean, losing your life just because you cant tell which way is up? Makes me wonder what those radars and meters and crap the pilot uses in the cockpit is for. And what made the pilot think that they'd managed to turn 360 degrees so that the sky was below him. Oh well. I guess I'll never know.
Jeepers. I hope the guy piloting my planes home are licensed to fly in all weathers and can tell which way is up.... Touchwood. Pray for me, guys.



isnt there this thing called GRAVITY? if it's already 180deg turned (btw it's 180 not 360. if it's 360 then you're back to the same point :P), then won't everything be on the ceiling of the plane? and ppl without seatbelts would have hit their head on the ceiling or floating around the plane. no? silly pilot. -_______- maybe he was drunk

ida said...

haha exactly!!!
Yeah I realized that after i posted haha. been away from maths and physics too long haha..
Weird isnt it how he died?

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