Sunday, December 7, 2008


We went cycling the other day with MC Pearl Marjorie Geraldine and Lawrence.
We rented our bicycles ( for free) from the city council in the city before proceeding to cycle all the way to Glenelg. All in all it was about an hour's trip...
The ride was fun. MC was the leader and Lawrence was the tail, he had to make sure no one was left behind ( Although he always was the one left behind)
We yell out anything we wanted to say and it would be passed on to the end and speed up whenever we approached traffic lights ( of course, this would be where Lawrence would be left behind at times haha)
We even managed a game of Frisbee and volleyball when we got to the beach until the damn rain started to fall.
So we cycled back, all the time trying to beat the grey clouds ( which we did, successfully and managed to get home dry) and even had time to stop at Mackers for ice cream!
All in all, good fun that day