Friday, December 28, 2007


So Evelyn and I went to the theatres on Thursday. I had this coupon thingie that allowed me and evie to share the price of one ticket which Elysia had given me ( Thanks Elysia!!!)
We didnt quite know what movie to watch as Palace Nova Cinemas only showed movies like Lust Caution, No Country for old men and stuff like that. you know, serious artsy movie that nobody really watches but yet somehow always wins Oscars...
We settled for Atonement for a couple of reasons. One, ( for me anyway) James McAvoy. Yummy. I didnt realize why he looked so familiar until only just now when i found out he was actually Mr. Tumnus the faun in Narnia!! anyway. Second, Keira Knightley. I love her movies, i think she's just fantastic. And third, the director, seeing as Joe Wright's first film was Pride and Prejudice, i decided Atonement couldnt be that bad, cause i just loved Pride and Prejudice. And fourth of course, the trailer just hooked me.
Boy oh boy did we make the right choice.
Superb!!! Simply superb!!!!
Elysia, if you're reading this, do watch Atonement!!! It's probably been out ages ago back home but watch it!!!
the plot's fantastic, acting mind-blowing, dialogue's great. and so many other things combine to make this movie just so POWERFUL. and the soundtrack was cooooollll. there's no other word for it!!! the sound of a typewriter's keys for a sountrack??? Waaaayyyy cool. Oh you'll know what I'm talking about when you hear it.
Towards the end, I was bawling my eyes out and couldnt stop even after the credits had started rolling on screen!!!!! Seriously!! thats how goooood it was!!!!!
Joe Wright is really really good. Keira Knightley shines and James McAvoy is just perfect.
This movie is, to sum up, simply mind-blowing. Watch it.