Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Friday was ANZAC Day, it was a day to remember all the soldiers who died during the World War II.. Or somthing to that effect anyway... So, in other words, Friday was a public holiday.
MC and Michelle, who live in Hosanna Heights like i do, organized a Hosanna ACtivities Day thing, where we would just have fun together and get to know everyon better. it was pretty cold that day actually, but we all thought what the hell, its not everyday we get fun stuff happening like this at Hosanna. :)
We met on the field outside the dining hall and were divided into groups. i have no idea why but somehow we all ended up with names of, uh, vegetables. Tomato, Capsicum, Lettuce, you get my drift.

I was assigned to be a proud member of group Lettuce!! Don't i look excited in the picture?????
Even Phylis showed up to cheer us on. she's the lady in red. she's a pastor and she lives in Hosanna, we all call her Granny and she's real cool. She basically just takes care of all of us, spiritually in particular. and there's her friend with the cutest dog sitting in her bag.
We started off with the three-legged race. of course i was paired up with Jonathan, we're equally short! Our group got 3rd... or in other words, second last hehe.

Then we had the ping pong on spoon race. the rule was if we dropped the ball we had to start ovr. we did excellent and was actually leading until we came to a particular group member who is actually famous for having shaky hands. apparently the shaking applied to his head and mouth too. it took him more than 4 triees to get it. by the time he finally made it, we were 3rd. but at least we weren't last :)
Then, we had the sack race.... that was pretty terrible. we had black plastics bags instead of sacks and they kept tearing. so we kept stopping to switch and ended up wasting precious time!! we got last anyway cause we were disqualified...... And THAT's a LOOOOOOng story i am NOT getting into....
Then, the last event of the morning... The Sucking Game. We had to suck all the water out of our cups using 5 connected straws.. Believe me, its harder than it looks. We didnt have very good suckers in our group. Nor did we have Science and Engineering experts in our group who could calculate the exact angle, amount of gravity and pressure to make this work. Nope, all we had were accountants and a lottt of nurses.. so we did the only fair and rational thing left. We Cheated. And I think, I just think the others were cheaeting too... these pictures you see? Most probably all hide the TRUTH ngehehehehe... we poured the water off, we drank more than 80% of the water... to be frank, we did pretty much everything BUT suck the water out of those five intereconnected straws. And we got 2nd!!!! see, at times cheating DOES help...
Needless to say, we didnt win anything that morning........................ Sadness :(

Then we switched teams. I was in a group called Vajayjay. ....
Then we switched yet again, and i was now in a group called Peanuts... we're just Grrrreat namers arent we?

First off, Scavenger hunt. we had to get things like 20 stones, 5 shoelaces, 3 watches, 4 mobiles, and loads more. but the funniest one of all was a particular item on the list.
1 pair of underwear.

this is Leonard trying to take of his underwear.................
we came in second actually... we were only short of 2 caps, 2 left shoes, 2 watches....

we even had a pair of underwear!!! From one of the guys in my group who i will not mention here :D

Next, The famous and most evil game of getting candies out of the flour with our mouths. Thats me, trying my very best to find one of those stupid candies... the flour got into my eyes my nose my everything!!!!! i even had flour dough in my mouth between my teeth!
And this is Jonathan post-flour dunking. I must say it took me a while to realize who it was.....
then, The Whellbarrow race... which was really fun!!!
these weree common occurences, and it was really really funny to see people falling all over themselves throughout the field...
See, Those are actually my legs... with Jonathan holding on for dear life........
We won the race though.... Surprisingly...

We finally WON!!!!
team Peanut!!!!!! We got boxes of Ferrero Roche and i think we get to go to Germany for the next Wheelbarrow Race World Championship in 2009..wakakakaka :)
Last event was the good ol' tug-of-war. This was pretty patheetic for my group. We lost against the first group, then we were up against the group that lost against the 3rd group. Unfortunately, we lost yet again... which put us in last place............
This was my group for the tug-of-war.... you can actually see my legs trying to move backwards and sliding on the ground behind Audrey who's the girl in the bright purple t shirt...
After it all, we went to the football field in Rostrevor College opposite Hosanna Heights for a game of Touch, whoch is a lot like Footy. Not much pics there cause everyone was so preoccupied with the game. but i can tell you we had LOADS of fun with that...
All in all, i have to say, it was an awesome day.
This is sunset at Rostrevor College.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm BACK!!!

I'm Back!!!
after 2 wks in the country, a little town of Waikerie, i'm BACK!!!!
its so nice to see the city again.
so nice to b back in my room
but i do miss waikerie, had a good, albeit boring time there haha.