Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Starting Afresh

Ring out the old, ring in the new;
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.

You know where I got this from, Elysia.

Happy New Year Happy New Year Happy New Year Everybody!!!!

Made any New Year Resolutions yet?
I have:
1. Lose Weight
2. Earn More Money
3. Look hotter
4. Marry Dean Winchester from Supernatural. And Edward Cullen. And Sam Winchester. And Clark Kent. And J.D. ( Even though I already have Edward Norton and James McAvoy, I can marry another one this year cause its a brand new year, Cindy XD)

Well, let's see. Would you look at that. I made the exact same resolutions last year! ( Except for the fourth one. I fulfilled my resolution by marrying Edward Norton and James McAvoy hahahahaha) Which just goes to show how useless resolutions are to lazy, undisciplined people.
Oh well. Better luck this year.

So how did I spend my New Year's Eve?
The original plan was to go to Elder Park in the city for the New Year's Day countdown ( See picture above) That would have been exciting.
Instead, I ended up sitting around in Erica's room alternating between staring at the ceiling, chatting and eating dried weetbix without milk cause we were too lazy to go down for milk. ( It's nice, don't get me wrong)
And then Erica went over to see her boyfriend about an hour from midnight and I went back to my room to watch yet another episode of Supernatural and another episode of Two and A Half Men. Before going to sleep a little after midnight...
Don't ask me how my New Year's Eve turned out like that, its a long story that I'm not getting into now.
Have a good one this year!!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


HAHA. That has to be one of the cutest pics ever of a monkey.
Life has been pretty mundane recently. Christmas parties, dinners, movies aside, nothing much exciting. I also have not been able to get off my lazy ass to get those pics we took from everybody's cameras. So, no uploads or updates.
Now that Christmas is over, time for New Year. The fact that I'll be working again is pretty darn depressing. oh well.
Goodness, time flies.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mr Hankey The Christmas Poo

We all know of Rudolph and his shining nose

And we all know Frosty who's made out of snow

But all of those stories seem kind of... gay

`Cause we all know who brightens up our holiday

Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo

Small and brown he comes from you

Sit on the toilet here he comes

Squeeze him 'tween your festive buns

A present from down below

Spreading joy with a "Howdy-Ho!"

He's seen the love inside of you

`Cause he's a piece of poo

Sometimes he's nutty

Sometimes he's corny

He can be brown or greenish brown(Mmmmhmmm!)

But if you eat fiber on Christmas eve

He might come to your town!

Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo

He loves me, I love you

Therefore, vicariously he loves you!

I can make a Mr. Hankey too!

(Pffffft)Cartman: Well Kyle where is he?

Kyle: Ehh .. He's coming!

Stan: Come on dude, push!

Kyle: Ehhhh... I'm Trying!

Cartman: Wait, wait I can see his head!

Kyle: Here he comes![POP!]

Mr. Hankey: Howdy Ho!

I'm Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo

Seasons Greetings to all of you!

Let's sing songs and dance and play

Now before I melt away.

Here's a game I like to play

Stick me in your mouth and try to say

Howdy ho ho yum yum yum

Christmas Time has come!

Singers: Sometimes He's runny

Sometimes he's firm

Sometimes he practically water

.Sometimes he hangs off the end of your ass

And wont fall in the toilet'

Cause he's just clinging to your sphincter

And he wont drop off .. and so you shake your ass around

And try to get it to drop in the toilet and finally it does.

Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo

When Christmas leaves he must leave too.

Flush him down but he's never gone

His smell and his spirit linger on.

Howdy Ho!

***South Park's songs rock!!! Sick, disgusting and so horrendously funny!


Sunday, December 21, 2008


If there was one thing I could ask God,
I would ask Him to take away all the goodbyes in life.
We are forced to say our goodbyes to so many things in this life.
To loved ones, either for good or for a while;
And you know that when it's for good, it feels like your heart is being wrenched from your chest when you know that you will never see them again, never hear them laugh, cry or speak;
To memories that you've grown so fond of, that you know you will never again experience no matter how hard and long you search;
To people who, were at first strangers, but you soon grew so fond of, grew to love, to cherish, to depend on;
That's why I never like sending people off at airports, or attending farewell parties.
Why prolong what will inevitably happen anyway?
I suppose Goodbyes are just another part of life we can't avoid.
Like sin, temptations, greed and all that.
And I suppose I'll just have to take it as it comes,
But that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Come on, who hasn't heard about Twilight?
It was one of the most anticipated movie of the year, and I'm pretty sure everyone's buying the book now that the movie's out ( like Ivy did) and trying to finish it before they watch the movie.
So anyway, we watched it last night.
Boy was it disappointing.
The first half of the movie was hard to sit through. The characters were so awkward, and the scenes were hurried, there was no sense of continuity and the director seemed more worried about getting to the end of the movie than about the whole journey.
But then the second half got a lot better, starting from the really cool baseball match between all the vampires. So thank goodness the second half of the movie saved it a bit from a total disaster. And there was that super romantic scene at the end at Bella's prom where they're dancing and there's this beautiful song playing in the background. That scene made sitting through the first half of the movie totally worth it!

Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, played by Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
I won't even pretend to notice the girl. I'm pretty sure that if we had the time to question every girl in the audience ( and that would have taken all day as about 90% of the audience were female) every one of them would have said the same thing.
I'm just here to see Edward Cullen.


And him.

And him.
Edward Cullen- vampire, Bella's boyfriend ( he's too good for her ;) and that guy that every girl dreams of having. I mean seriously, who wouldnt want a guy described ( in the book) as devastatingly beautiful, smart, musical ( he wrote a damn song for her!), intense, and willing to sacrifice everything for the girl he loves?
Jeez. Of course we were all there to see him ( Yes Shann, he's hot and I don't care what you say, he did NOT ruin the movie. The director did. Blame her)
If only he existed.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Ah, what a productive this day has been.
I had breakfast
Finished off my season 4 of Two and a half men ( which is wickedly funny!)
Finally found out what happened to Dean from Supernatural by watching the season finale of season 3
Managed to memorize all the lyrics for "Tomorrow" from "Annie"
Sang along to Ewan McGregor's "Your Song" karaoke I downloaded from Youtube.
And FINALLY FINALLY got my TAFE transcript!!!!
Something to prove I've completed my diploma!
ANd now I can do so many things!
Get enrolled as a nurse, confirm my place in FLinders University...
Productivity, my middle name XD

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Meet Joe Black

I've only just finished watching Meet Joe Black.
Have always wanted to watch this movie because I've heard about it a lot and also heard that Brad Pitt is absolutely gorgeous in this movie ( they weren't wrong- he was superlicious)

Anthony Hopkins plays Bill, a media mogul whose time is almost up. however, the circumstances of his death are a bit different than the usual ones. Death visits him, in the form if a young man called Joe Black ( Brad Pitt, of course) and tells him that in return for more time, he would like Bill to show him around. In other words, to be put most ironically, Death wants Bill to show him how to live. Eve and I were saying how ironic the whole idea was, Death wanting to know about living life.

And then comes the weirder part where DEath falls in love with Bill's daughter!

But the whole point of this movie ( I think) is to show us how wonderful and special life is and how we should always appreciate it. Even the little things. Even peanut butter. All the little wonders and miracles of our daily lives are seen as wondrous, magical occurences through Joe Black's eyes, who has never been alive in this world. We take peanut butter for granted, that sweet, salty taste. But not Joe Black. He has his first taste of peanut butter and instantly falls in love with it. And at dinnertime when they are serving caviar, he declines, and requests just peanut butter. I found that scene funny, and honest.

There was also this quote from the movie, where Bill is explaining to his daughter why he doesn't think the man she is dating now is the man she wants to marry, the man she loves.
I really like it.

"Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? Fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart. I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived."

All in all, this was a great movie, and I loved it. Of course, the soundtrack by Thomas Newman was amazing too... I'll be downloading it now XD

Sunday, December 7, 2008


We went cycling the other day with MC Pearl Marjorie Geraldine and Lawrence.
We rented our bicycles ( for free) from the city council in the city before proceeding to cycle all the way to Glenelg. All in all it was about an hour's trip...
The ride was fun. MC was the leader and Lawrence was the tail, he had to make sure no one was left behind ( Although he always was the one left behind)
We yell out anything we wanted to say and it would be passed on to the end and speed up whenever we approached traffic lights ( of course, this would be where Lawrence would be left behind at times haha)
We even managed a game of Frisbee and volleyball when we got to the beach until the damn rain started to fall.
So we cycled back, all the time trying to beat the grey clouds ( which we did, successfully and managed to get home dry) and even had time to stop at Mackers for ice cream!
All in all, good fun that day

Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Cindy!!!

So many people having birthdays these years...
This is for Cindy!!
one of my newest goodest friend!! (and neighbour)
Have a great one this year!
Thanks for being the awesomest friend!!!
Miss ya, see ya when I get back!!

I Could Be A Million Things ( Pt. 3)

But then disaster struck. The economy crashed. People lost their jobs, companies went bankrupt, and although they were tucked away in their little town, they were hugely affected. Her father lost everything and had to declare bankruptcy. His father managed to salvage what was left of his business, but the stress and hard work took its toll on him and he fell ill. The Depression had changed them all. No more long, lazy afternoons spent doing nothing, no more visiting each other when their parents came around for tea. But their love for each other never changed, never faded and they were in a sense happy despite all that was happening.
Things only went downhill from there. Her father, having fallen on such hard times, promised her to a young man from another town. Her suitor had managed to hold on to his wealth throughout the Depression and her father thought it would save them from poverty if she were married to him. She refused. Again and again, she refused. She begged, she pleaded, she cried and she raged and she screamed until her throat was sore. But the decision was final. Either marry him or lose your family.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday PEILING!!!

This is for Peiling.
One of my oldest and good friends.
You're now officially 19!!! ( Finally managed to catch up with me... good job, girl! haha)
Have a great one, take care and always, thanks for being such a super duper friend!
Cant wait to see ya when I get back.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Odd Socks

I think that somewhere in a galaxy far, far away there is an alternate universe where ALL my odd socks have settled down. They probably have a small community going, with town councils, laws and legislations, mayors. They've probably all made friends, got married, made a family and gave birth to more odd socks. Seriously.

That's the only way to explain the whole mystery of how and where our socks always dissapear to. I swear, they just totally vanish off the surface of this earth! They're not in the dryer, in the washing machine, in my cupboard, in my laundry basket.

I mean, right this moment, I have only 3 pairs of socks that match, and one of them is starting to get holey! So I always have to plan my attires properly according to my daily activites. If I'm going to the gym and will be wearing socks, I make sure I save my matching socks so I wont look silly with mismatched socks peeking over the top of my shoes. Working days I'll be wearing long slacks anyway so wth.

Once, I didn't know we were having communion service in church ( ergo, foot-washing). I was wearing boots so i thought doesnt matter what socks I wear, no one will see them. Boy was I mistaken when I took off my boots and my partner saw my mismatched socks. One was a colourful polka-dot one and another was a colourful striped one. Jeez.

I wonder where that Odd Socks World is. I wouldnt mind a visit, really.


I love this scene from Scrubs.

Turk ( thats the black guy) has just popped the question to Carla and she has made him wait for days because of her own insecurities. He got mad at her because he realized she was making him wait for purely selfish reasons.

When Carla finally realizes what she has been doing and says yes, this super-cute song starts playing and I dont know how they do this all the time but Scrubs always always manages to find the most appropriate songs for every single situation they get.

This song is super-cute, romantic, heart-warming and so appropriate for this situation.Watch the video. tell me what u think XD

Question by Old 97s

She woke from a dream

Her head was on fire

Why was he so nervous?

He took her to the park

She crossed her arms

And lowered her eyelids

Some day somebody's gonna ask you

A question that you should say yes to

Once in your life

Babe tonight I've got a question for you

She'd had no idea

Started to cry

She said in a good way

He took her by the hand

Walked her back home

They took the long way

Some day somebody's gonna ask you

A question that you should say yes to

Once in your life

Babe tonight I've got a question for you

I've got a question for you


Pictures of my poor, burnt high school...

Thanks for the Memories

I only just heard from Elysia.
The Junior Science lab, St John + RC room, library, and part of the staff room of my old high school SMK Kuching High was burnt down this afternoon.
My first response was
Then Elysia and I were in depressed, numb, shock for a while.
And now here I am thinking and reminiscing on all those times and fun we had there.
Not in the staff room ( I've got mostly traumatic experiences there, like everybody normal should), not the RC + St John Room either ( I was never in any uniform body), but mostly the Science Lab ( Because however much I detested it at that time, there was no way I was skipping Science classes) and the Library.
I remember falling asleep in the Science Lab on those humid afternoons, drawing doodles on my Science textbooks, messing with the equipments, laughing at out infamous Pn Kang as she talked her nonsense and sent showers of spit on us. I remember always wondering about that fetus in the jar on the display cupboard and hearing rumours that it had belonged to a teacher ( To this day, I don't know if it's true)
I remember spending hours in the library before class started when I was still in the afternoon session. I found many a good book there and the very first Nora Roberts book I borrowed ( She's my ultimate favourite author) was from the very same library= True Betrayals. I loved it so much I asked my mom to photocopy the whole novel instead. She ended up buying it for me ( Thanks mom).
So here's to rooms well-used, time well spent, memories too precious to ever let go.
Here's to the place that helped me grow, that went through all my ups and downs, that made me part of who I am.
Here's the my old high school.
Thanks for the memories!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cindy and Tim's Birthday Cruise

We celebrated Cindy and Tim's birthday yesterday by going on a luncheon on a river cruise. Their birthdays were actually Dec 6 and Dec 1 respectively but since they were all going home soon we celebrated earlier. So we all woke up early and got dressed, tried our best to look pretty ( Someone in paricular even had a sash that said " Birthday Girl"!!!! Beh paiseh wan hahahaha), and set out in Ivy's car to Fisherman's Wharf, where the cruise was departing.
We got there and we were pretty excited when we saw this big beautiful cruise ship. So were started posing with it and taking pictures of it from every angle.
Then we realized that we were posing with the wrong one.
We looked further on and saw this smaller, less impressive one. Sadly, much to our disappointment, the cruise we were taking was the sadder-looking one.
Oh well.

We had a group photo before boarding... It felt like a school field trip or something..

Very proud that my name was on the tables.. but only because I helped booked the place cause Cindy was busy with exams and I was bored and her iPhone had a lot of extra credit...

Eveyone settling down and MC posing for the camera
Cindy contemplating life, posing for the camera with her best angle, and trying to take in the view from the river outside. We spotted a dolphin as soon as we started out and caused quite a bit of commotion as we were pretty excited and there was some screaming... but there wasnt much to look at really as there were mostly industrial sites along the river.
Whilst waiting for our food........
Different camera, different perspective
Nice pic, Pearl.
We spotted this lone kayaker. Poor guy was struggling against the waves sent out by our ship, then we realized he had a bowl of dessert in his hand. I dont know how he got it but that was the dessert we had ordered. The staff might've given a bowl to him. Haha, was funny though.

Birthday boy and girl a.k.a King and Queen of the day with their cake and a singing candle......

Very proud birthday boy who'd managed to complete his birthday puzzle... it was a present

Another group photo........... but this time with the cake.....
We then went up on the deck and proceeded to get all windblown and cold and messy......
And naturally, we HAD to start singing the main title for titanic and act the whole "You jump, I jump" Jack and Rose scene where they stand at the ship's stern.... Good fun..
We managed to spot about 3 dolphins that day. Which was actually very little as it was a 2 and a 1/2 hour cruise. Probably wasn't dolphin season but wth, we had bucketloads of fun and it was all good..

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I Could Be A Million Things ( Pt. 2)

Years passed, seasons changed. They grew up, turned from mischievous, naïve children to cocky, gangly teenagers. And yet that special bond they shared never showed any signs of fading, of breaking. They were still the best of friends, still always seen together everywhere they went.
But there was a slight difference in their friendship now. People winked and clucked their tongues when they saw them together. Their names now rolled off people’s tongues with knowing looks in their eyes and teasing smirks on their lips. They felt it too, felt that slight shift in their relationship dynamics. He was no longer that best friend she hung out with every afternoon after school. She was no longer that snotty-nosed girl with the scabby knees and reckless plans.
Lingering stares, secret smiles, quick brushes that sent tingles down the spine. Afternoons usually spent in the arcades and making up pirate adventures were soon replaced with long walks down the beach and quiet conversations under that big old tree in the fields behind his house.
They shared their first kiss there, on a hot, summer afternoon when there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and no breeze at all. It seemed the world stopped turning just for them at that very moment when their lips met. Everything was perfect. The slant of sunlight across her face, the perfect stillness of everything around them, the cloudless blue of the never-ending sky above them. That feeling that had been simmering under the surface for so long finally came out in full-burst, hit them with their defences down, and filled them.

I Could Be A Million Things ( Pt. 2)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Watched Australia in Australia

Baz Luhrmann's new epic movie is out!
Starring Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman.
So what better place to watch it than in Australia itself?
We went to watch it this afternoon and I loved it. I laughed, cried and laughed and cried again.
It's about an English lady called Sarah Ashley ( Nicole Kidman) who comes from England to Australia to find her adulterous husband. SHe ends up meeting this Aussie native called The Drover ( A very delicious looking Hugh Jackman) and naturally they fall in love. THis movie also focuses on Australia's stolen generation- mixed aborigine children who get sent off to an island where they are given proper generation, discrimination and war.
All in all, it was an awesome movie, with a great soundtrack! A bit long but wth, thats what epic movies are supposed to be like anyway.

I Could Be A Million Things (Pt.1)

They had known each other since before they were even born. Their parents were old friends, so it was no surprise that they knew each other since they were babies, sleeping side by side in their respective cribs while their parents chattered away with their long cups of tea.
Her parents owned a chain of department stores while his parents ran a carpentry business. It would have been a shame if the two of them hadn’t gotten along, a union of two of the richest families in that little town they lived in would have benefited everybody. But they did. They became best friends since from the moment they could talk and walk.
She was the livelier of the two. More adventurous, more daring, more spunk. She was the one with all the great ideas designed to get them into trouble, the one who set their neighbour’s cat on fire and got them grounded for a good 2 months. He was the quiet one. Always more sensitive and cautious, always stable and collected even as a young child. He was the one who would make sure they weren’t caught during all of her daring schemes and the one to stand guard while she tried to break into their principal’s office.
They were always together. Everywhere they went, to the grocery store, the arcade, their school, the playground. Their names rolled off people’s tongues naturally like it was one word. Everyone knew that when they saw one of them, the other would either be arriving soon or in hiding waiting to pounce on unaware strangers.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mac Pictures

Having fun with Cindy's Mac Photo Booth together with Ivy
Sakais who use PCs ba XD

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad and Bro!

Today I'm going to talk about the 2 most special men in my life.
My dad( as pictured above in one of his very rare candid moments) and my brother.
My brother and I are 6 years apart. Needless to say, we don't have very much in common except the fact that we live in the same house ( for his first 12 years anyway) and we share the last name. He's 13 now, and his voice has broken. It saddens me a bit that I wasn't there to hear his voice deepen from a boyish, lilting tenor to a half-manly, gruff baritone.
I remember calling home once and he answered the phone, I thought I'd called the wrong number!
It never occured to me that his voice had changed. They grow up so fast.

My brother's really popular with my friends ( he doesn't know this). It used to be because he was real cute as a kid ( Looked like an ang mo ba) but when he grew up, he was popular among my friends because the stories of his antics was always a hit with my friends. They were great icebreakers too. When things got boring, I'd pull out a story about what he had done or said today and even if they'd heard it already, they'd still be laughing their asses off.
I miss those times we had when I'd play badminton outside our house with him, or teach him to play the piano ( although I have to admit I wasn't all that patient with him when it came to teaching). And I have to say I'm proud of him. He's learning the guitar now and reading!!
I'm sure he'll turn out to be a well-mannered, handsome, and sensitive young man.
Happy 13th Birthday, Bro.
May this year be better than the last.
Next, my dad.
Now as you can see, he doesn;t always appear in pictures alone. All the pictures I have of him are in these family pics. Thats probably because he;s always the one behind the camera so much that I think we might have to start paying him XD
My dad's the greatest dad in the world.
He buys me stuff ( he never says I;m too old for presents!), he pushes me even when I don't want to be pushed and he's always there for me.
I have so many great memories of him I don;t even know where to start.
Like all those times I'd wake up in the middle of the night to find him turning our aircon off or covering us properly so we don't get cold, or how he used to put our christmas presents at the foot of our beds on Christmas eve when we'd fallen asleep ( of course, I woke up once when he was putting the presents- my Monopoly set i remember- and after that I realized that there was no santa claus :D). And even that time when i refused to go for swimming lessons and he got so angry at me he packed my bags and threatened to send me to the salvation army. I got so scared especially when he packed my socks (!!!!!) that I almost peed in my pants. But after that he bought me a book... so that helped a bit haha.
My dad makes me laugh too. And that's important. If anyone were to ask me what was the most important thing I got from my dad, I'd have to say a sense of humour and the ability to take things easy and laugh at myself. So thanks dad, for that and everything you've done for me.
So happy 49th birthday Dad, and many happy returns of the day.
P.s. I 'll try to bring as many nougats home as possible hahahahaha
Love you, guys.
Happy Birthday.


This is just to celebrate the fact that I have reached my hundredth post!!!!
Thats like a century in blog years!
*Cheering, clapping, whistles, trumpets*
Okay thank you very much I'm done.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


How do you rid yourself of insecurities?
How do you just let go of all your flaws and just focus on your virtues?
How do you just turn your cheek away from what people may say about you behind your back and what people may think of you?
How do you just accept yourself for who you are and love that person called you?

I can't do all that.
I can't just let go of all my flaws and focus on my virtues.
I always end up obsessing about my flaws, wishing I was flawless, wishing I was perfect, wishing I was at least contented with myself, with my life.

But everytime I've reached something, accomplished something, I just want more
More, more, always more.
I have to be smarter, funnier, more likable, prettier, richer.
I have to be more popular, more accepted, more everything.

I'm sick and tired.
I'm sick and tired of constantly having to impress
I'm sick and tired of constantly being compared and appear to be lacking
I'm sick and tired of constantly having to hide that side of me I'm so sure nobody will like

That side of me that is shy, that part of me that is a loner
That side of me that is boring, that nobody wants to know,
Why can't I be happy for who I am? For what I have? For what I have done?
Why must it always be a struggle? A race? A fight to the very end to be perfect?
Nobody's perfect, I know that, but that doesn't stop me from trying to be.

I wish I could stop, I wish I could just give up
I wish I could stop being that girl so hidden inside
I wish I could stop being that girl with the terrible hair and the bad skin
I wish I could stop being that girl with the loud mouth and rash decisions
I wish I could stop being that girl who gets so terrified when it comes to meeting new people
Who worries constantly that someone might see through her and see who she really is
Who obssesses constantly that people might not like what they see

I wish I could just stop thinking about what others may think about me
I wish I could just stop obssessing about what people may be saying about me
I wish I could just stop having these insecurities
I wish I could just stop all this
I wish I could just be me, and love me for me.
For nobody else but me.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Quote of the day

Miracles DO happen You just have to be willing to look for them..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I Heard Ya Talkin'

I was watching Scrubs that day ( again) when I heard this awesome song!!!!
So I downloaded it and looked up the lyrics and I realized that this song is just for Madeleine and Yvonne right now.
Some anonymous coward left really nasty comments on Made and Evon's blogs apparently and I'm feeling very angry for them.
So for that cowardly idiot who wrote such nasty stuff about my friends, I hope you read my blog too cause this is for you, think about it...

I heard ya talkin' just the other day
You were sayin' things about a friend of mine so I just walked away
But I heard the words you said loud and clear
You were sayin' things that just weren't right
About a friend of mind so dear
I heard ya talkin'
Some people out there are always talkin' around
Seems they're never really happy unless they're puttin' somebody down
You know the thing they fear the most is that someone's gonna see right through
Their thin disguise and made-up lies
It's sad, but true
All these things that you say and doin time they'll be comin' on back to you
Your Words will be comin' on back to you
Nobody's perfect least of all me but it's time that you learn
Time that you see
Your Words will be comin' on back to you
Now don't you leave behind integrity
don't forget about the truth
don't lose the real meaning in emotional soup
Ask yourself a question-- just a thing or two
Are you happy livin' with that person you call you?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Scrubs Mad

I've been crazy about Scrubs these past couple of weeks. It's my second favourite TV series after F.R.I.E.N.D.S at the moment and boy is it funny!
Its set in a fictional hospital called Sacred Heart and its one of the best medical comedies I've seen.

This is the series' main character. Dr John Dorian a.k.a J.D. He is the narrator of this series and everything is seen through his eyes. He has monologues, thoughts ( some very random and insane ones) and funniest of all, he has daydreams.
He has daydreams of himself being in Star Wars situations, patients waking from a coma to sing and dance, himself finally having a father-son moment with his mentor Dr Cox and so so much more that always leaves me laughing my ass off.
THen there's the others. His best friend Turk, a surgical intern who always gets his jokes, Carla, a nurse who'a married to Turk, Elliot, a super competitive and neurotic fellow medical intern who's part of the gang, Dr Cox, J.D's mentor and also the most sarcastic fictional doctor on this planet, there's Dr Kelso, the chief of medicine who cares more about whether the patient has insurance or not, the Janitor, who always has a problem with J.D and who has a crush on Elliot.
This show has the greatest soundtracks and the best thing about this show is that it is funny and touching all at the same time. There is always a life lesson learned at the end of every single episode. Today I learned that we need to take some time out of our life to just lie on the grass and do nothing instead of rushing around day after day while life slips out of our hands. Golden words. I'm going to do just that later, after I finish another episode of Scrubs. XD