Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Erica's Birthday

It was Erica's birthday. we went to Caffe Primo for dinner to celebrate it. Erica decided that we all had to wear dresses. it was quite bad news for me at first but then i started to really get into the spirit of choosing what to wear and it turned out ti be quite fun!!! pearl and i were the first ones who were dressed and ready. again, SNAP!! Another Picture!!! yeah we took quite a lot of pics that night as well. even of our reflections!!!

of course, then came my favourite part of all!!! THE FOOD!!!!!! i tried to eat Ivy's but she wouldnt let me....

here's a picture of us all together( well except Ivy, she was behind the camera.) and me with the Birthday Girl!!!
We bought a Cheesecake for Erica. CHEEEEEZZZZEEEEE!!!!!! and we didnt want the traditional old candles on her cake. so we opted for a fancier one. a Sparkler!!!!

oh did i mention i finally got my own food????? see, this is me trying to inhale my fries..... cheers. it was all good fun,

Port Adelaide's TAFE campus

well. i study my diploma of nursing with TAFE. but i've never been to one of the campuses yet. we went there about two weeks ago. to the campus at Port Adelaide. needless to say, we were pretty excited. therefore, a lot of picture taking was involved. partly because we were bored too. or maybe because we just love having our pics taken. *wink wink*

we ran outside first chance we got cause it was just too beautiful outside and we just HAD to take pictures!!! see? afraid we went a little crazy. here's pearl trying to push me into the water. i always knew there was something suspicious about her!! *grin*
then we decided to climb trees!!!! and remembered the good old days when we used to sit at home watching those old bollywood movies.. i guess we got caught up by the whole bollywood thing...
and i think i couldnt come down. that should teach me to climb trees!
we saw jellyfish in the water as well. beautiful ones. couldnt take any pics thought too bad but here's one of me sitting next to the water where the jellyfish are!!! not as pretty but oh well, cant always get what you want!!!

we had fun that day i suppose. didnt study much that day cause we were so busy running around but like they always say, all work and no play makes John a dull boy!!!